Urban Development in Rubavu, Musanze and Rwamagana

> Rwanda

Towards sustainable architecture – New Youth Centre to empower young generations in Rwanda

  • Towards sustainable architecture – New Youth Centre to empower young generations
    • Towards sustainable architecture – New Youth Centre to empower young generations
    • Towards sustainable architecture – New Youth Centre to empower young generations
    • Towards sustainable architecture – New Youth Centre to empower young generations
    • Towards sustainable architecture – New Youth Centre to empower young generations

A new Youth Centre was officially opened in Musanze District on 22 September 2023 by  Rwandan Minister of youth Dr. Abdallah UTUMATWISHIMA together with Ambassador of Belgium to Rwanda Mr. Bert VERSMESSEN, Governor of Northern Province, Maurice GAHUNDE, DG LODA, Claudine NYINAWAGAGA, Musanze acting Mayor Hamiss BIZIMANA, Enabel Representative Dirk Deprez, and Intervention Manager of Enabel’s Urban Economic Development initiative (UEDi) Mattias PIANI.

Renovated in a partnership between Musanze district and Enabel, the recently inaugurated youth centre is part of the National Youth Council's 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, and serves as a vital hub for young people. It was designed as a campus and built with local materials. The facility offers diverse amenities including training halls, Fablab, Knowlab, a library, artist workshops, IT services, and sports facilities like basketball, volleyball, and handball. Located at the heart of Musanze, it provides a space for skill development, creativity, and entrepreneurial exploration, empowering the youth for self-reliance and contributing to the community's socio-economic progress.

In his remarks, the Minister of youth said the youth centre “will be a beacon of hope and sanctuary for young generation to aim higher, to think big and act. It will provide them with range of basic services to meet their needs in this evolving evolving world. The youth will have access to IT skills, training equipment’s that will give them the tools to navigate the digital age successfully.”

The ambassador of Belgium to Rwanda pointed out “It’s nice to see that Basketbll is not only being played in Kigali, but also in Musanze”, what is really at the heart of the project is innovation, employment and creativity he stressed.”
Musanze district Acting Mayor further noted that, “The renovation of Musanze youth centre made it possible to expand the infrastructure and services that are offered”.

At the youth centre,  COSMOGOLEM was launched as well. A 4-metre-high wooden statue built by localartists from original idea by Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen, the statue is the symbol of hope and belief in the future, of diversity and evolution which empowers young generations by helping them find their own voice.
This project is already present in more than 40 countries in the world. Cosmogolem is constructed in Musanze district youth centre. It is set to stimulate the children in Musanze to express themselves through poetry, stories, dance, and visual arts.
You can visit the Cosmogolem foundation website: https://www.cosmogolem.com    

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