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Skilling Uganda
> Ouganda

Emmanuel Kusemererwa's journey: from Senior Six to thriving in landscaping - Uganda

  • A landscaping course changed my life

Emmanuel Kusemererwa from Fort Portal was lucky to have completedsenior six. Only 5 percent of Ugandans reach that level in school.But that was no guarantee for a decent income.

Due to the high cost of living in the city, it was insufficient to cover allhis basic needs. He felt stranded. He was unable to go for university studies because of the high cost. Yet, he lacked the qualifications for the jobs available in the labour market.

During a service at St. Andrew’s Church in Fort Portal, he learned about a course in landscaping and compound design, conductedby National Resources Defence Initiatives, a partner organization ofEnabel.

“I quickly applied for the course because I knew there were few people in this trade yet the demand is high,” he says

The course involved garden design, planning, beautification, rock gardening, and construction of simple compound structures. 

He completed the training in September 2022 and has since landed three landscaping contracts. With the money, he was able to buy goats so as to supplement his income with farming.

Additionally, he contributes to the school fees of his three younger siblings. He now plans to purchase a grass mower and a motorcycle to ease the transport of flowers and garden tools.

Landscaping is more than a source of income for Emmanuel. It is his passion. He considers himself a conservationist and takes pride in work. 

“I love nature. I feel proud to do my part in beautifying and protecting the environment,” he says.

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