Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Ouganda

Results-based management takes college administration to the next level in Uganda

  • Results-Based Management takes college administration to the next level- Uganda

In 2017, Enabel and the Ministry of Education and Sports introduced a strategy known as Results-based Management (RBM) to improve the management of the National Teachers Colleges (NTCs). RBM is a process that involves monitoring and assessing planned actions as well as collaborative execution and transparent accountability. This strategy was made available to help college management teams, make informed decisions and enhance their service delivery.

In the National Teacher’s Colleges, the RBM process involves the participation of various committees in the planning, execution of budgeted activities, and the collection and reporting of data. The data gathered from the implemented activities is analysed and shared with committee heads who then report it to the Ministry of Education and Sports and other stakeholders during review sessions. Then, on a quarterly basis, stakeholders assess the information which has been presented and share suggestions to improve college management.

Prior to the introduction of RBM in the NTCs, the majority of activities in the colleges were centralized with only the Principal and a small team of administrators responsible for managing the colleges. All college activities were planned and budgeted by college managers before they were passed on to the rest of the staff.  According to Lenny Kebirungi, the Deputy Principal at NTC Mubende, in charge of overseeing all RBM operations at the college, despite having planned activities, staff members, including herself, submitted personal requisitions for unforeseen activities and accounted for them whenever it suited them.

When RBM was introduced, management improved considerably. The duty that was previously designated for top managers became the responsibility of all college staff. A number of committees were selected and trained to streamline and coordinate college activities in a participative manner. The committees were also allocated roles, data collection tools, and templates for uniform reporting. 

Today, the RBM strategy is credited for promoting accountability and transparency and enabling all college employees to participate in overseeing and tracking actions to achieve set goals. Daisy Aliwaru the Principal at NTC Muni praises RBM for re-orienting the college staff's mind-set toward management. According to Daisy, college operations have improved because staff feel valued for their input during the decision-making process.  Additionally, staff are answerable to their committees for the resources they utilize during the implementation of college activities.

For sustainability, the institutions intend to alternate the quarterly review sessions to share best management practices for continued improvement. Lenny Kebirungi believes that the quarterly review sessions will be the most effective way to continue sharing the skills and knowledge that they have acquired over the years through the support of Enabel and the Ministry of Education. The principal of NTC Kaliro, Evelyn Lanyero, commits to continue orienting new employees about the RBM process and ensure that they have the necessary tools to carry out RBM activities at the institution. Abdul Kibedi, a National Pedagogy Expert recommends that all new employees should be sensitized, oriented, and trained to continue the Results-based Management approach in the colleges as they transition from teacher training institutions to degree-awarding institutions.

In 2019, the digital approach to RBM was introduced due to the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 outbreak to enable college teams to remotely develop work plans, budgets, monitor, and report on the progress of executed activities. Enabel has equipped the colleges with the necessary skills and resources required to further strengthen and sustain RBM at the institutions.

For more about RBM

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