EU digital solutions to strengthen the resilience of education and health systems to COVID-19 in the Eastern, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region

> Belgique

RWANDA: ICT Lab implementation at Kanyinya TVET

  • RWANDA - ICT Lab implementation at Kanyinya TVET

On Monday 20th of June 2022, Enabel started an ICT lab implementation at Kanyinya TVET in Muhanga district.

As a result 21 laptops were handed over to the school. The team collaborated on a short session on how to configure and maintain laptops. Shortly after, the laptops were configured at the school together with the ICT teachers, so they could have a first hands-on experience with the new machines. All provided laptops are ready to be used by teachers and students and are fully updated with Office 365, antivirus and other useful softwares for teaching purposes. 

Later this year, Enabel will organise a session for the entire teaching staff. This session will cover how ICT labs can be integrated in the teaching practice by demonstrating useful digital tools and pedagogical practices. 

Enabel works closely together with Rwanda TVET Board on the monitoring and evaluation of the use of this ICT lab, to make sure the laptops are used in an effective way and to see in which (digital) areas extra capacity building might be needed.

Sources: Piet Roos, Expert in Technology Enhanced Learning - Tom Ntambara, Learning Management System Specialist

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