Ensure accessible, evidence-based, improved and innovated sexual and reproductive health services for empowered citizens - district support

Barame SRH Districts
> Rwanda

Rwanda: New effort in mentorship harmonization to improve healthcare service delivery

  • New effort in mentorship harmonization to improve healthcare service delivery

A one-day workshop was conducted on 20 April 2022 by Enabel’s Barame Project with JHPIEGO and Health Professional Organizations to improve in-job training of health providers for maternal and neonatal care management in 16 hospitals and 142 Health centers of Barame intervention zone.

Following the supervision findings and the previous Steering Committee recommendations, Barame Project management organized a one-day workshop with health professional organizations, mentors’ representatives (one hospital-based mentor per district, three district-based mentors, and one per organization) and JHPIEGO Head Office staff to discuss about creating and strengthening synergy and harmonization of Monitoring and Evaluation indicators, their definition, source of data and frequency in the seven districts of Barame intervention.

Participants of the workshop included Rwanda Association of Midwives (RAM), Rwanda Society of Gynecologists & Obstetricians (RSOG) and Rwanda Pediatric Association which were contracted by Enabel’s Barame Project to support mentorship in service delivery to maternal and neonatal patients at hospital level, as well as JHPIEGO that was awarded a grant to support mentorship in the same area at health center and community levels.

The workshop also aimed at bridging the gaps which may occur in the services of maternity and pediatric and have come up with strategies to work in complementary manner and concreate action plan to address the main challenges identified during the mentorship supervision.

Those professional health organizations conduct monthly mentorship program by Low Dose High Frequency approach for health providers on maternal and neonatal care at health facilities, organize data collection and analysis, deaths review and quality improvement projects and provide quarterly report and plans to the project management.

They contribute directly to the staff capacity building and indirectly to the improvement of quality of care and services and reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity.  

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