Leveraging strategic health financing for Universal Health Coverage

> Ouganda

Enabel supports MoH roll out the Digitalised RBF System

  • Enabel supports MoH roll out the Digitalised RBF System

Enabel working with the Ministry of Health is scaling down the use of electronic RBF reporting system in the whole country. Starting with the district verification teams, the LSF teams together with the MoH officials have travelled across regions to train verification teams to be able to input data and generate electronic invoices.

Timely and quality verifiable data is conditional for all RBF reimbursements particularly in tracking changes of key health indicators and performance.  Therefore, it is mandatory for health workers to enter patients’ data in the physical registers and fill all the required information. That same data is to be entered into the district DHIS2 and finally into the HMIS system.

Verification teams certify accuracy and consistency of the numbers entered into DHIS2, HMIS with actual numbers in physical registers at facility level. In case of any discrepancies, that particular service calls for further scrutiny, sometimes requiring proof of evidence that it actually took place as confirmed by Dr. Wambi at MOH, we verify the results with physical reports at the health facility and what is entered into the DHIS2

How the decentralisation of DHIS2 at facility level is improving data quality

Many health workers have applauded the digitalised system in stimulating efficiency because it is fast and more convenient. it is no longer paper based data to monitor performance as praised by many RBF enthusiasts. Abdul, Koboko RBF Focal Person further reiterates, RBF digitalisation has helped health workers realise the importance of correct data upload into DHIS2

What is significant is the quality of data and how its entered in the DHIS2 and HMIS system as emphasised by Alule James RBF Focal person, Moyo District who still insists that the data entered into DHIS2 should be consistent with physical registers at health facilities.

This digitalised process is enabling health facilities generate prompt invoices for payment processing thus eliminating delays in RBF payment processes and accordingly improve health service delivery to the rural poor. The platform is also preparing MoH facilitate the mainstreaming of RBF come this financial year.

Currently, Enabel together with the RBF unit and MoH are harmonising the irregularities brought about by the platform into the national HMIS as they train more people, all in preparation for the mainstreaming of RBF across board come this new financial year.  

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