Implementation of the AU-EU D4D Hub Project

> Belgique

AU-EU Digital for Development Hub announces new #GirlsinD4D campaign

  • AU-EU Digital for Development Hub announces new #GirlsinD4D campaign

The AU-EU Digital for Development (D4D) Hub project, of which Enabel is an implementing partner, has just announced a new online campaign called #GirlsinD4D. This communications initiative aims at giving visibility to inspiring young female professionals in the D4D field, in particular those working to increase digital cooperation between Africa and Europe.

The campaign is taking place in the framework of International Women’s Day and Girls in ICT Day, an opportunity to create awareness on the challenges that women face in the digital environment, and to encourage girls and young women to pursue careers that contribute to a sustainable and inclusive digital transformation.

The first stage of the campaign is a call for nominations to identify African and European young women working in initiatives that leverage digital technologies and innovations to improve people’s lives in both continents. Nominations are open until 25 March 2022.

For more information, visit the project website: and follow the hashtag #GirlsinD4D on social media.

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