Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Ouganda

Enabel provides guidelines for accommodation in Teacher Colleges - Uganda

  • Enabel Provides Guidelines for Accommodation in Teacher Colleges - Uganda

Across different countries and projects, Enabel focuses on cross-cutting issues such as the environment, climate change and digitalization.
Together with the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda, we have worked to rehabilitate, construct and equip facilities in the National Teachers’ Colleges.

It is from such efforts that we have developed Guidelines of student and staff accommodation that:

·       provide provisions for the efficient operation and management of newly constructed and rehabilitated NTC accommodation and

·       offer guidance on planning, design and construction of future facilities in line with principles of sustainability.

This publication will provide information that is generally lacking in the different aspects of accommodation design, construction, operation, maintenance and sustainability.

Click to read the Guidelines of Accomodation: 

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