Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Ouganda

HundrED recognizes TTE Sandbox as impactful education innovation - Uganda

  • HundrED Recognizes TTE Sandbox as Impactful Education Innovation- Uganda

On 4th November 2021, the Teacher Training Education Sandbox was selected as one of HundrED's most impactful and scalable innovations for the Global Collection of 2022.

The TTE Sandbox, a distance learning strategy, was developed with the 5 National Teacher Training Colleges (NTCs) to address the needs that arose from the closure of schools in March 2020. It was created as a fast track response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the NTC lecturers in collaboration with Enabel’s Teacher Training Education (TTE) project and the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda.

At the HundrED innovation summit, the Sandbox was deemed an easily implementable distance learning strategy that only requires the use of a digital device and was rated effective in harnessing EdTech due to its digital aspects in training. The Sandbox was equally recognized for being cost-effective, impactful and sustainable through some of its components such as:    

  • The helpdesk (for peer to peer support in ICT related issues);
  • monthly communities of practice (CoP) conducted by NTC staff for their peers and ICT Masterclasses for students through Zoom calls to introduce new ICT tools that foster distance teaching and learning;
  • and the one-stop portal (on which lecturers can upload their learning material, using the tools they learn during the CoPs).
This global recognition by the HundrED is a proud moment for the TTE project because the Sandbox is ensuring the continuity of teaching and learning in the NTCs. A recently concluded study on e-learning readiness indicates that 83% of NTC lecturers and 62% of NTC students are actively participating in distance learning which proves that the TTE Sandbox is creating impact.

Presently, Enabel is piloting the adoption of the tools from the Sandbox (Moodle and Padlet) to other training institutions, ministries and development partners.

To try it out visit: TTE Sandbox (

For more information about the TTE Sandbox, visit:  

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