Improving the training of secondary teachers in National Teachers' College KALIRO

NTC Kaliro
> Oeganda

Enabel Makes Remarkable Strides in Improving Teacher Education


Through the Teacher Training Education (TTE) project, Enabel has made tremendous achievements to the education sector. The project has One common goal which is to Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers’ Colleges.  

The TTE Project as per the framework of the Ugandan-Belgian Governmental Cooperation is jointly implemented by Ministry of Education and sports (TIET department) and Enabel (Belgian development agency). The project started its second Phase in 2017 and it will go through 2021. The beneficiaries of the project include: 5 National Teachers’ Colleges (Kabale, Kaliro, Mubende, Muni and Unyama), TIET department, Construction Management Unit, Procurement Disposal Unit and partner secondary schools surrounding the NTCs (3 per NTC).   

The project has 3 components:
The Institutional development component that strengthens the colleges and the Ministry of Education and Sports Management systems. Within this component support is provided to the colleges to develop their planning, finance, human resource and students’ follow-up. Similarly, support is also given to the Ministry of Education and Sports to improve management of the Teacher/Instructor, Education and Training department. Among the achievements in this component are:
 ·        A supervision and monitoring system has been put in place to support the 5 NTCs and TIET department. This system has harmonized the NTC work plans and monitored results at college level (committees, NTC management) and national level through the quarterly performance reviews.

·        The project has strengthened the capacity needs for NTCs through capacity development, ICT management and maintenance and creating safe learning environments. Within this area, the project has prepared capacity development workshops for IT managers in colleges known as the IT days, procured equipment to improve teaching such as laptops, computers, cameras, projectors etc. and provided open-source software for the NTCs.

·        In order to improve academic management, the project installed a management information system known as ‘Smart Campus’ within NTC Muni and Kaliro and supported support supervision in the colleges through the implementation and dissemination of the Support Supervision guidelines and training of mentors.

·        To improve human resource management, the project has development and implemented a pilot system of time on task, implemented and disseminated Continuous Professional development guidelines that are aimed at advancing the skills and knowledge of teaching staff.

 ·        The project has also set in place a maintenance mechanism to improve the maintenance capacity of the NTCs. Two national workshops were held to this effect and there is on-going procurement for equipment such as energy saving kitchens, solar panels, water harvesting among others that will reduce the operational costs of NTCs.

·        Similarly, support has been provided to the TIET department through data entry in the teacher registry process, partitioning of the office space, provision of IT equipment and organising teacher education working group meetings.

 ·        In order to strengthen the Construction Management Unit (CMU) and Procurement Disposal Unit (PDU), the project is providing IT equipment, site report managing software and a shelving and archiving room for PDU.

While institutional management is an important area of support to improve the quality education, the project also extends its support to the area of pedagogy; which is the method and practice of teaching.

Through the pedagogy component, the project has achieved the following:

·        It has strengthened the professional competencies of the NTC academic staff in revision of the general methods course (syllabus for professional studies, data analysis for the use of ICT in colleges), andragogy training process (training of mentors with support from national experts) and participation in different conferences such as the Deta conference held in Rwanda in August 2017, E-learning conference in September 2017 held in Mauritius on ICT4Education and the Aga Khan University conference on Teacher education in October 2017.

·        The project has facilitated access to information and quality pedagogical content by creating user-friendly libraries. Libraries have been stocked with updated book collections, installation of the Koha library management system in all 5 NTCs, procurement of library kit (photocopiers, binding machines, laminating and papercutting machines), development of a librarian competency profile and membership subscription to the Uganda Library Information Association (ULIA).

  ·        Developed and institutionalised a pilot system of Continuous School Practice that is geared towards providing opportunities for teacher trainees to gain experience and teaching skills in surrounding partner secondary schools. To this effect, a Guide and Toolbox for implementation have been drafted and disseminated along with motorbikes to enable teachers to overcome their transport constraints.

 ·        The project has created a network of partner secondary schools for school practice and strengthened their pedagogical capacities through creating official collaborations with 17 partner secondary schools, training them on Active Teaching and Learning (ATL), providing them with a start-up kit that includes pedagogical materials and a computer and organising gender missions geared towards creating a safe learning environment and eradicating gender based violence in schools.

Providing institutional and pedagogical support is one way to improve the quality of secondary education. In order to take a step further, the project has made a substantial investment in infrastructure with the purpose of creating a conducive learning environment. 

Through the infrastructure component, the project has rehabilitated, expanded and equipped college facilities. Among the achievements are:

·        Finalising the design process to improve the pedagogy facilities (laboratories, classrooms and libraries) for NTC Mubende and Kabale and the accommodation facilities for staff and students in Muni and Kaliro. The architectural designs and infrastructural set-up take into account several important factors that focus on innovation, sustainability, energy efficiency and the natural environment. Classrooms benefit from sufficient natural daylight and a well-designed cross ventilation sets off the higher tropical temperatures without any artificial intervention.

 ·        Conducting Safe Learning Environment (SLE) walks in colleges in order to identify and address specific security needs such as provision of separate washrooms for female and male students, setting up security lights within the compounds among others.    

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