Support for responsive accountable local governance in Kon Tum Province, Vietnam

Kon Tum
> Vietnam

Kon Tum city held contest on implementation of public administration reform

  • Kon Tum city held contest on implementation of public administration reform

On 17th October 2018, the city of Kon Tum held a contest of civil servants from city administrative units and district administrations of the project implementation area about understanding and implementation of the 2018 public administration reform (PAR) plan. The contestants demonstrated a high degree of ability to grasp and implement the government laws and regulations for improvement of public administrative services. They also staged plays to illustrate the effects of implementation of the PAR plan, in which they focused on fighting corruption and bribery through implementing the new regulations and code of conduct in serving the citizens. The contest also featured good practice examples of producing local radio broadcasts and enhancing the information provided to the citizens.

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