Facility for Capacity Building (scholarship)

> Vietnam

IT application in education management - Binh Thuan province

  • IT application in education management - Binh Thuan province

Binh Thuan is one of the coastal province of Vietnam with more than 90% of the landscape covered by mountains, island and resident by ethnic minorities. In the school year 2015-2016, Binh Thuan Education and Training Department (Binh Thuan DOET) started to apply VnEdu – a software developed by VNPT at all primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools in the province. The software was considered an effective tool that can help schools to better manage its education activities. Provincial education managers also need a comprehensive and unified data base for better planning and managing education developments in the province. However, many school staffs in remote area were lack of basic IT skills, nor understand the tool’s features and could not use the software effectively.  

Binh thuan DOET joined the call for proposals launched in June 2016 by FCB project for capacity development. After several evaluation rounds and negotiations, the province got a Grant of nearly 85,000 Euros for training and coaching for 370 education managers from 185 schools (over 436 schools in the province). The beneficiaries include 350 principals and vice-principals of schools in difficult, remote and island areas and 20 education administrators in DOET.  

The training guided the trainees on how to use management features of the software for planning and reporting, use of e-books, messages, school website, management of official documents, statistical reports ...  

These education managers are now using full features of VnEdu to manage the school’s operations. The software helps to connect teachers and school managers with parents effectively to follow up and support their children’s study. Thanks to the software, the school now have unified database that save them a lot of time in compiling reports, managing school staffs and making educational plans. E-books feature helps the school managers to manage activities in different school sites more easily.     Below are some testimonies of the beneficiaries on their school’s websites:

"The functions and utilities of the VnEdu Software really help the school and teachers manage their staff, students, academic records, as well as school finance and properties. It also creates a website for posting, writing article captures the best moments of teachers and students in all the school's teaching and learning activities. Thanks to the training provided by FCB project, I am now very confident in using Microsoft softwares to design my lesson. I also help other teachers to create more lively and attractive lectures”. - Nguyen Ngoc Trang, Principal-Hoa Thang Elementary School  

"Right after the training, I trained other teachers in my school and instructed them to apply some utilities of the software in the process of teaching and managing students. I also posted some news and photos about the school's activities on my school’s website. At present, the school has been exploiting quite a lot of utilities of Vnedu. In the coming time, we will continue to learn to exploit more facilities to help management, teaching and learning of the school faster, more convenient, more scientific”. - Ha Thi Thuy – Hoa Thuan Primary school, Bac Binh, Binh Thuan  

"The application of VnEdu software has helped create interactive social networks, connecting school members. It also create a connection between the family and the school, as a reliable online data warehouse. Information that the school sends to parents is fast, timely through the most popular means such as mobile phones, the Internet or MyTV television ... VnEdu e-mail solution helps the management of schools, teachers are convenient, and helps parents to capture the results of learning and training of their children in the fastest way "  Tran Thi Thuy Vy-http://thpt.buithixuan.binhthuan.vnedu.vn/

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