Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestina

Contract management course for the employees of the Ministry of Local Government

  • Contract management course for the employees of the Ministry of Local Government

Enabel completed a contract management training course for the employees of the MoLG (Ministry of Local Government). The course was led by Mr. George Awwad, a professional trainer in procurement procedures in Palestine, and targeted engineers from the project and urban planning departments.

30 engineers gained more knowledge, skills and tools to manage contracts from inception to closure.

The training was divided into two phases:

  • The first one targeted project department employees and focused on works and goods contract management procedures and procurement of works and goods.
  • The second phase targeted urban planning employees and focused on services consultancy procedures and contract preparation, awarding of contracts, and contract administration (preparing and evaluating bids, planning of the contracting process and resolving contractual disputes).
The trainees mentioned that this training was one the most important trainings they received through Enabel because they learned more about the following topics:
  • The different types of activities in each contract management phase, during the life cycle of a contract 
  • Methodologies 
  • How to manage each one of their activities 
  • Best practices used in contract management   
The training played a big role in improving their work skills and will reflect positively on their work achievements.

Ms. Ohood Enaya, the focal point from the urban planning department, thanked Enabel for all efforts they made in managing and organizing this training.

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