The support to skilling uganda intervention (SSU) in the Karamoja region

Skilling Karamoja
> Oeganda

Skilling mechanics with the Skills Development Fund

  • Skilling mechanics with the Skills Development Fund

 “I’m doing this class to earn a living so I can take care of myself and my family.” says 19 year-old  Tom Elwelu. He is one of the 13 Motorcycle Repair trainees at the Aridland Development Programme (ADP) in Abim. “Today we are assembling an engine but my favorite thing is tuning carburetors.“

After the 6-month training Tom wants to open his own garage in Abim and one day become a district engineer for the local government. He believes that there will be sufficient demand on the labour market, as confirmed by his teacher Opoke Helikiah: “There are few motorcycle  mechanics in Abim. But trainees don’t need to focus on their own district because this kind of mechanics are needed all over Karamoja.“

Already for 6 years Opoke has his own garage in Abim, but ever since he started teaching the garage has been managed by his brother. Now Opoke has a plan for his current trainees: “The best ones can work in my garage, to gain experience at first and afterwards also to make money.”

Trainees can request additional support from ADP to start a business in the domain that was taught to them, if they successfully prove the viability of their work plan. In that case ADP can provide financial start-up support and regular follow-ups.

Trainings are organized by Enabel’s Support to Skilling Uganda project, as part of the Skills Development Fund and with financial support from Irish Aid. The aim is to equip young Karamojong with employable skills to increase their livelihood in the region.  

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