Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestina

Iftar celebrations for people with disabilities in the Beita cluster

  • Iftar celebrations for people with disabilities in the Beita cluster

Last week, the Joint Services Council of the villages south-east of Nablus organized a special Ramadan evening called “You are not alone” for people with disabilities.  

The president, members and director of the Joint Service Council, representatives from the Local Governance units and local institutes joined the group of 80 people – which was made up of people with disabilities and their families – to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan during a group iftar at the Beita cluster. 
Next to the iftar, young kids from the cluster performed on stage and sang songs. At the end of the evening, the Joint Service Council handed out gifts to the participants.  

Later that week, the cluster also provided essential medical tools to help disabled people in the cluster.  

This activity was supported by Enabel (the Belgian Development Agency), as part of the Local Governance program.

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