Support for responsive accountable local governance in Nghe An Province, Vietnam

Nghe An
> Vietnam

Public Administrative Reform to help Business and Investment

  • Public Administrative Reform to help Business and Investment

To improve the business environment and to attract investments require an innovative and transparent local government. Experts and representatives of the provincial government of Nghe An explained the way to achieve this goal in a workshop on 17 April 2018., which was attended by the Ambassador of Belgium to Vietnam Mrs. Jehanne Roccas and her delegation. A modern government provides citizen-friendly public and administrative services, enhances the effectiveness through implementation of E-governance and secures fair competition for businesses, the experts said. E-government is an effective lever in fighting corruption and illegal competition advantages. The structure and working organisation of local government units need to be streamlined and duplication of functions and responsibilities need to be cut away to reduce the amount of administrative procedures for businesses. The vice-chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Mr. Le Xuan Dai emphasized that big businesses and investments are not the only attractive objectives for the government. SME must receive greater attention and support because they are an important link in the value chain and indispensable for the wellbeing of the people. Public administration reform must be driven by a two-way dialogue between the government and the citizens, including the business community.

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