Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestina

Focus group workshops organized to assess the citizens’ perception of the programs

  • Focus group workshops organized to assess the citizens’ perception about the programs

The Belgian Development Agency conducted public surveys & focus group workshops to assess the citizens’ perception of the changes brought by the LGRDP (Local Government Reform and Development Program) and RHC (Regeneration of Historic Centers) projects. 

The objective of the assignments was twofold: to conduct a diagnostic and evaluative research of the LGRDP intervention in the 4 clusters that were targeted since LGRDP I and to conduct a diagnostic and evaluative research in the 12 localities that will be targeted in LGRDP II.

During the assignments, the program didn't only want to understand the perception of the citizens, but it also wanted to empower the LGU* or Joint Service Councils to conduct this kind of analysis themselves in the future.

During the workshops, questions related to the interventions were asked: on the importance of community participation when mapping the needs (before starting the project implementation), on how to increase tourism to heritage buildings and old building in rural areas and on how to facilitate inter-neighbourhood collaboration to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants.  

Zied Diab, the 22-year old head of the youth center in Aboud, also highlighted the importance of involving the youth (sector) to (1) improve their knowledge about the rehabilitation old buildings and historic centers and (2) to listen to their opinions and ideas on how to improve their villages and how to connect the rehabilitation to economic development.

*LGU (Local Government Unit) can be a Municipality or a Village Council

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