Support for responsive accountable local governance in Kon Tum Province, Vietnam

Kon Tum
> Vietnam

Peoples Inspection Boards (PIB) trained for 2018

  • Peoples Inspection Boards (PIB) trained for 2018

Citizens in the communes need effective protection against violation of their rights and mistreatment suffered from wrong administrative decisions. They elect PIB, which can enforce correct administrative decisions and uncover malfunctions in public services. In the pilot communes of RALG Kon Tum, the PIBs now trained to fulfill their functions and coordinated the support from People’s Councils, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and social organizations. Familiarizing themselves with the new regulations, which were enacted in 2017, they practiced setting up their annual work plans and prepared to use their enhanced powers effectively. Representatives of People’s Committees render their support, because the work of PIBs will improve the two-way communication between citizens and government.

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