Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestina

Work-Based Learning Strategic Plan Workshops

  • Work-Based Learning Strategic Plan Workshops

On 28 and 29 November, the Belgian Development Agency organized two interactive and participatory workshops in Ramallah and Gaza to develop a Strategic Plan on Work-Based Learning (WBL).

The goal of the workshops was to bring together all stakeholders: representatives from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Planning and Finance, Chambers of Commerce, Gender Units, Sector Federation, National Employment Councils, directors and coordinators of TVET institutions, NGOs and international actors active in TVET (GIZ, EU, IRPAL) and other social partners who contributed to the success of the ECIB WBL initiatives.

During this workshop they could share their experiences, best practices and lessons learned from the 83 conducted Work-Based Learning initiatives in the West-Bank (including Jerusalem) and Gaza. After a series of analytical meetings and central and regional analyses, this final workshop culminated all efforts in order to complete the development of a national WBL strategy.

The result of the workshops will be a reference document for all stakeholders on a national level, offering a clear strategy on how to institutionalize Work-Based Learning in Palestine in a sustainable way.    

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