Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrate 1st graduation for dual training apprentices

  • Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrated 1st graduation for dual training apprentices

On 28th November 2024, Rwanda TVET Board in partnership with Enabel awarded certificates of competence to 309 graduates who completed a 12-month short dual training program. This colorful ceremony took place in Karongi in Rwanda Polytechnic campus with 165 female & 144 male apprentices graduating in Carpentry, Tailoring, Masonry, Welding and Automobile technology.

Since January 2023, Rwanda TVET Board is implementing a 12 -month short dual training program under the support of Enabel’s Decent Work and Social Protection project (DW&SP). The project supports skills development through workplace learning and workers’ skills upgrading in Construction, Manufacturing and Mining sectors, targeting youth and women in Kivu Belt region and in the City of Kigali.

The training is  delivered through the partnership between TVET schools and private companies & craftsmen. Trainees undergo five months at school to acquire theoretical and basic practical skills, followed by seven months of practical experience in the workplace. Both school trainers and In- company Instructors (ICIs) collaborate to facilitate trainees in acquiring a series of theoretical, practical hands-on skills and attitudes relevant for the labor market integration. Six schools namely Bumba TSS, ETAG Gisenyi TSS, Kanyinya TSS, Karengera TSS,  Mizero TSS and Rubengera II TSS were selected to deliver the programs in collaboration with private companies.

Enabel’s skills development initiatives are implemented under three projects and in different value chains:

Decent Work and Social Protection project:
In addition to developing skills for new labor market entrants through Workplace Learning, the project contributes to the upskilling/reskilling of informal workers in supported trades through the recognition of prior learning of existing workers in Construction, Manufacturing and Mining sectors.

Urbanisation project (UEDi)
aims at strengthening decent green job creation in the construction value chains through WPL (dual training) in construction trades where the “Chantier-Ecole” integrates the project-based learning approach allowing to find solutions to infrastructure-related challenges identified at school. UEDi operates in Bugesera and Rwamagana Districts and 4 schools namely Center for Champions TSS, Ecole Technique Saint Kizito (ETSK) Musha TSS, Nelson Mandela TSS and Nyamata TSS were selected to deliver the training programs in collaboration with private companies and craftsmen.

Project for Inclusive Small Livestock Markets (PRISM)
supports skills development in Piggery, Poultry, Fish farming and Beekeeping value chains through school-based short courses combined with industrial attachment program (IAP) and through industrial-based training (IBT). Five schools namely Kabutare TSS (Huye district), Ntendezi TSS (Gakenke district), Nyagahanga TSS (Gatsibo district), Groupe Secondaire Rilima Catholique (Bugesera district) and Rushashi TSS (Gakenke district) were selected and will work together with private companies and farmer schools (LFFSs) to deliver the training programs.

Enabel fosters sustainability of its interventions through system strengthening and contributes to NST 2 priorities, focusing on the creation of decent, green, inclusive and productive jobs.

  • Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrated 1st graduation for dual training apprentices
  • Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrated 1st graduation for dual training apprentices
  • Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrated 1st graduation for dual training apprentices
  • Enabel & Rwanda TVET Board celebrated 1st graduation for dual training apprentices

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