Thematic Portfolio Social Protection in Central Africa - Uganda

> Oeganda

Expectant mothers in Uganda are saving their way into a safe delivery

  • Expectant mothers in Uganda are saving their way into a Safe Delivery

Kabahwezi Margaret is an expectant mother who is saving for safe delivery when her time is due in January 2024. The 25-year-old and mother of 5 is saving with Basambo United Village Savings and Loans Association. She gets her income by selling fish and cocoa, which her husband helps her to harvest.

Margaret said that her motivation to start saving for health is to prepare herself for safe delivery by timely accessing the health facility and being able to acquire necessities during the time of delivery. “As an expectant mother, I want myself and the baby to be safe during the time of delivery”, said Margaret. She said that several women in the community have ended up in the hands of traditional birth attendants due to delays in accessing the facility, which is usually attributed to inadequate resources to get a reliable and quicker means of transport.

Margaret has so far saved 20,000 Uganda shillings (5€) and her future saving plan is to ensure that after giving birth, she increases are savings for health premiums from 2,000 to 5,000 Uganda shillings (0.2€ - 0.5€) per week to cover her 3 children as well. She said she also got financial management and budgeting knowledge from the training delivered by the ambassadors on saving for health. She therefore intends to use that knowledge to boost her savings by investing more resources in her business.

Another expectant mother, Kobusingye Lydia, 33 from Bweramule Sub County, Ntoroko district is also saving for a safe delivery. Lydia said that she realized that it won’t be easy to trek the 7km distance to Bweramule Health Center III when she is ready to give birth. She recalls how many mothers get stuck accessing antenatal services and maternity services during their time of giving birth.

She said she already borrowed from her Village Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) group, savings for health account. “I have already cumulatively borrowed up to UGX 15,000 (4€) for some of my antenatal visits especially when it finds me without cash at hand, and I have always ensured that whatever amount I have picked is paid back before my next visit”, added Lydia.

The chairperson of Rukoora Women and Men VSLA group, Mr. Mugume Steven said that Lydia has already saved 36,000 Uganda shillings (9€) for health. “We will support her to achieve her saving purpose, a safe delivery”, said Mugume.

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