Skills and Attitude (S&A), Governance and Anti-corruption (G&A), Covid19 Response (C19)

> Oeganda

From Graduate to Business Partner: Aijuka Moreen's journey of success

  • I’m going to be a rich woman, Moreen prophesies

When she graduated in 2021, the only thing Aijuka Moreen, a 24-year old graduate of development studies from Makerere University prayed for, was to secure decent employment from a reputable organisation. A year later, this prayer was answered. She was attached to CEMM Group Limited Company in Bugolobi, Kampala, under the Work Readiness Programme, for hands-on training. The enthusiasm and commitment exhibited during the training prompted management to retain her as an inside business partner.

Some of her responsibilities include conducting business research, building a healthy relationship between the company and clients, writing business proposals and training clients in different fields. Aijuka says that she has written five business proposals, of which one was successful. She continues to hunt for more potential organisations and companies that can give them business.

“At every workplace, it is important for every person to contribute to the main goal of the organization for it to stand the test of time. I have managed to get business for the company,” she says.

She is also part of the team from the company’s education department charged with conducting talks in schools and universities. During these sessions, learners who wish to take different career paths are taken through career readiness while those who are holding leadership positions in schools such as prefects are trained in leadership skills. The exact content given to learners during such training depends on what the institutions have paid for. Every Friday Aijuka and other staff are exposed to a learning session where they are taken through programme management, entrepreneurship, client management and presentation skills. 

“When you are here, you experience the real 21st century skills needed on the labour market. I have also learnt that the skills we think are minor when you are out there such as communication, teamwork, problem solving are the most important ones.

“Communication skills have helped me to get business for the company,” she says.

She considers herself lucky to join the working class immediately after graduation and that it is every parent’s dream to see their child placed somewhere upon graduation. 

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