Renewable Energy for Rural Development – Phase 2 (RERD2)

RERD Phase 2
> Mozambique

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture for a Resilient Future in Mozambique

  • RERD2+: Empowering Agriculture for a Resilient Future in Mozambique

Around 500 sustainable irrigation systems will be installed this year in the provinces of Manica and Zambézia.

This initiative is part of the cooperation between Enabel in Mozambique, the Mozambican government, iDE (International Development Enterprises), and various educational institutions, aiming to boost sustainability and productivity in the agricultural sector. This was announced by our rural development expert,Sophie Teyssier, during her intervention at the annual irrigation subsector review meeting organized by INIR (National Irrigation Institute) on December 21-22, 2023.

She presented the activity report of the irrigation component of the RERD2+ project (Renewable Energies for Rural Development Phase 2) throughout 2023 and outlined perspectives for 2024. 
The meeting had a broad participation from national and international technicians and researchers discussing topics related to institutional perspectives for INIR, such as: irrigation development planning, national irrigation registry, ongoing irrigation component projects, management, and intensification in irrigated areas, and hydrological infrastructure management in the context of climate change. 
The meeting was concluded by His Excellency Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, M. Olegário Banze. 

For this year, Enabel also plans to provide more training in agroecology, irrigation system repair, financial education, and business management for local producers.

We are excited to continue with the materialisation of our commitment to build resilient and sustainable communities in the irrigation subsector.

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