Beekeeping Value Chain Support

> Tanzania

Access to affordable and improved bee hives to beekeepers in Katavi, Tanzania.

  • Access to affordable and improved bee hives to beekeepers in Katavi, Tanzania.
    • Access to affordable and improved bee hives to beekeepers in Katavi, Tanzania.
    • Access to affordable and improved bee hives to beekeepers in Katavi, Tanzania.
    • Access to affordable and improved bee hives to beekeepers in Katavi, Tanzania.

Recognizing the success of 15 carpenters from Katavi who have completed a 6-day training in advanced bee hive construction. The training, organized by Enabel through the EU-funded BEVAC project, involved artisans from Mlele, Nsimbo, and Tanganyika, working towards enhancing sustainable beekeeping practices by ensuring access to improved bee hives. #SkillDevelopment #CommunityBuilding

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