Joint Financing Arrangement - phase II

> Palestina

Palestinian e-learning project wins Belgian digitalisation prize

  • Palestinian e-learning project wins Belgian digitalisation prize

The Palestinian-Belgian project ‘e-learning curriculum in Palestinian Primary and Secondary Education’ has been rewarded with the Digitalisation for Development prize in Belgium.

From 2011 until 2015, the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) and the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) have jointly implemented the e-learning project to introduce the use of ICT in education to enhance student centered learning. The 4 million euro project was funded by Belgium and Palestine. After the official end of the project, the efforts have been continued and scaled up by the Ministry of Education.

The project has introduced the use of ICT in 288 pilot schools in the West Bank and allowed the students to acquire 21st century skills. Thanks to this project, the focus has shifted away from mere technological solutions towards the use of ICT as an enabler for student-centered learning.

The project has focused on 4 main pillars. First of all, the 288 pilot schools that were involved defined their own ICT-needs and were accordingly provided with ICT material. Furthermore, over 14.000 teachers have been trained on student-centered learning through the use of ICT. A digital teacher portal where teachers can share their learning objects with each other has been launched in 2015 and has already more than 2 million hits. And finally, the project was also a source for policy advice concerning the digitalisation policy in Palestine.

The success of this project was already known in Palestine, but has now also been recognised worldwide, as the e-learning project has won the Digitalisation for Development (D4D) prize in Belgium, in the category ‘IStandOut’.

The Prize ‘Digital for Development’ is a new initiative of the Royal Museum of Central Africa. The prize focuses on digital creativity and innovation in the Belgian development cooperation. The IStandOut category focusses on highlighting success stories and best practices in the field of ‘Digital for Development’. The award ceremony has taken place on the 30th of November and Dr. Basri Saleh, Deputy Minister of Education is now in Belgium to receive the prize.  

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