Urban Development in Rubavu, Musanze and Rwamagana

> Rwanda

Expo 2022: Enabel supported companies in Rwanda explain exhibition outcomes

  • Expo 2022: UEDi supported companies narrate exhibition outcomes

Currently, Rwanda is at a trade deficit with imports from construction materials being ten times higher than exports. This affects the economy of the country in terms of inflation and local employment.

Enabel, through its project “Urban Economic Development initiative” (UEDi), intends to  boost Made in Rwanda production (MiR) to meet national demand and sustain the rate of urbanization in Rwanda and in the long term to be competitive on regional and international market by supporting key companies in the stone and clay value chains.

With the 25th Rwanda International Trade Fair organized by the Private Sector Federation (FSF) that took place from July 26th up to 16th August 2022, Enabel and its stakeholders supported eight companies in Clay and Stone value chains to exhibit their products at the fair, namely Stonecraft, EAGI, CAMOSAG Ltd, RCGF Rwanda, Multiple choice general supplies and services, OPTIMA, Jacques Mutokambali Ltd and AXWA. 

The initiative aimed at allowing the local companies in the clay and stone value chains to exhibit and promote their products, facilitate their networking opportunities including connection with potential buyers. The support included the provision of stands and promotional materials.

“We have sold and received many orders” – Exhibitors

As a result of participating in the exhibition, companies promoted their businesses, sold products, received orders and connected with other entrepreneurs.
Mr Byazaire Kitoko showcased tiles and paving stones made by CAMOSAG Ltd. He testified that his company benefited a lot from the exhibition: “Visitors got to know our products - they thought they were very expensive and made from abroad- they appreciated the technology they are made with and took our contacts. In addition, four visitors made orders, two visited our showroom which is in Kigali, Kicukiro district. More importantly, we are going to review, improve our production technology so as to make products more competitive  with  a lower price”.

Wmebesa Kenneth who represented AXWA Ltd said: “We have sold 10,000 bricks equal to two million Rwandan francs to clients obtained in the exhibition and we received many orders. In addition, we learned from others how we can improve our production process for better quality and less cost products.” Stone Craft Ltd declared having sold their products to five clients and received orders. “Many people liked our stone products, they learnt where our factory and showroom are located, and promised to buy in the future.” Stressed Flavie Umurenzi.  

Rwanda International Trade Fair is organised every year and attracts around 400 local, regional and international companies to exhibit their products. People between eight thousand and fifteen thousand visit the 3-week long exhibition every day. 

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