Resilience in Schools of East Jerusalem

> Palestina

Belgium and the European Union inaugurate 15 rehabilitated schools in East Jerusalem

  • Belgium and the European Union inaugurate 15 rehabilitated schools in East Jerusalem

Belgium and the European Union celebrated the inauguration of 15 schools in Jerusalem, which have been rehabilitated and extended by Enabel. The celebration was attended by the Ministry of Education, the Jerusalem Directorate of Education, the schools’ principals and students, and representatives of the communities and civil society organizations.

The completion of the school retrofitting and expansion works were implemented by Enabel as part of the "Resilience of Schools of East Jerusalem" project, co-funded by Belgium and the European Union, in synergy with another EU-funded project: "Ta’lim Lil’Jami’a: Inclusive Education Intervention for East Jerusalem children", implemented by the NGO Terre des Hommes - Italy.
“We are privileged to participate in this great event that will pave the road for 16 enhanced schools that will provide excellent learning opportunities and allow Palestinian children in Jerusalem to access quality inclusive education, innovation and technology.” Said EU Deputy Representative Maria Velasco

"Under the new bilateral portfolio, that will be implemented by Enabel, we allocated about 17.5 million EUR budget, for improving inclusive access to quality education through constructing, retrofitting, and extending schools, supporting teacher training and Science, Technology, Engineering (Art) and Mathematics (or STE(A)M) initiatives and contribute to the well-being of students,” said Consul General of Belgium, Wilfried Pfeffer.

“Enabel has adopted a holistic approach for improving both the physical school environment and well-being in the schools, as well as the creation of adjacent public spaces using participatory methods that enhance ownership and motivation of students and the wider local community. Said Enabel Resident Representative, Christelle Jocquet.

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