Support to the implementation of skilling uganda strategy

Skilling Uganda
> Oeganda

Uganda: 2100 youth from Albertine/Rwenzori will receive skills training for jobs!

  • 2100 Albertine/Rwenzori youth to receive skills training for jobs

About two thousand one hundred youth in the Albertine/Rwenzori region will receive training in labour market relevant skills starting January 2022. 

Enabel through the Support to Skilling Uganda project has set aside 5.3 billion shillings to support the training activities.

Speaking today during the grants award ceremony in the Ministry of Education boardroom, Enabel’s Skilling Sector Expert Christine Karungi said the trainings will be delivered by 14 organisations working in partnership with various private sector companies.
“The joint delivery of the training will ensure that they are aligned with labour market needs, thereby making trainees more employable upon completion of their courses,” Karungi said.

Uganda has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the world. Studies have partly attributed this to an education system that is not responsive to the needs of the labour market.
Focus will be on the following priority sectors selected based on the local labour market demands: tourism and hospitality, agriculture, manufacturing and renewable energy.

Beneficiary districts include; Masindi, Hoima, Bulisa, Kasese, Kabarole and Bunyangabo. The initiative also targets nearly 750 refugees and host communities in Kikuube, Kamwenge and Kayegewa to enable them to rebuild their lives. 
Jointly implemented by Enabel and the Ministry of Education since 2016, the project has to date supported the skilling of more than 3000 youth in the region.

Tracer studies indicate that of the trained, 7 out of 10 find employment within 6 months after completion of course.

The Support to Skilling Uganda project aims at enhancing the quality of skills development by making training more responsive to the needs of the labour market in order to increase youth employability.
It is implemented in Albertine/Rwenzori, Karamoja and Northern Uganda.

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