Pathways to Employment in Palestine

Pathways to Employment

Pathways to Employment in Palestine
Gefinancierd door Belgium
Fase In uitvoering
Startdatum 9 maart 2022
Einddatum 8 juli 2027
Budget 12 455 000.00 €
Code PSE22003
Afgekorte naam Pathways to Employment


The Pathways to Employment project aims at empowering youth in Palestine: young people develop into active and critical citizens, ready for local and global challenges through improved education, training, guidance and access to employment.

The project's Specific Objective is "More young women and men in Palestine are employed in decent work conditions or have their own income-generating business"

Result 1 - Increased access to Skills Development through investing in and upgrading TVET infrastructure.
Result 2 - Improved Employability through Equitable Access to Skills Development.
Result 3 - Employment Opportunities for Young Women and Men through Entrepreneurship Promotion and Business Development Support.


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