Economic development MIR sector in Rubavu, Musanze and Rwamagana


Korte inhoud project

Economic development MIR sector in Rubavu, Musanze and Rwamagana

Code RWA19011
Startdatum 01 July 2019
Einddatum 30 June 2024
Fase Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 43032 Urban development
Budget 8 460 400.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

The urban infrastructure for inclusive and sustainable economic development is functional and expends further

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - Inclusive economic development is enhanced, especially in the MIR construction sector with a geographic priority focus on the districts of Ruvabu, Musanza and Rwamagana
B - Inclusive economic development is enhanced, especially in the MIR Construction sector with Geographical priority focus on the districts of Rubavu, Musanze and Rwamagana.


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