Multi-donor PFM Fund


Korte inhoud project

The Belgian support to PFM reforms will contribute to three results of the PFM Sector Strategic Plan 2018-2024 :
- Expand the coverage and functionalities of the IFMIS and other PFM ICT systems
- Increase compliance with PFM systems and international accounting and auditing standards
- Strengthen PFM systems supporting subnational investments and services

Code RWA19003
Startdatum 01 July 2019
Einddatum 30 June 2024
Fase Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 15111 Public finance management
Budget 5 000 000.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

Support Rwanda's socio-economic transformation through effective and accountable public finance management

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - Increase the effectiveness and the sustainability of Public Finance Management systems at central and local government level


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