Support for responsive accountable local governance in Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam

Ha Tinh
> Vietnam

Understanding the constituencies is key to success of councillors

  • Understanding the constituencies is key to success of councillors

Two training courses started in Ha Tinh city on 16 May 2018. The first course with over 100 members of People's Councils of provincial and district level enhanced the skills of the deputies in direct contact with and qualified response to the people's complaints and proposals. In a second training course the methodic information will be mainstreamed to the councillors on commune and ward levels. The trainer for the first course is Ph.D. Nguyen Si Dung, the Former Vice Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly, and the trainer for the second course is Ph.D. Bùi Đức Thụ, the former Standing Member of Finance and Budget Committee of the National Assembly in the 2011-2016 Tenure.

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