Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF)

> Vietnam

The pilot project of Construction of public solar lighting systems in the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, Ham Thuan Bac district

  • The pilot project of Construction of public solar lighting systems in the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, Ham Thuan Bac district

The project is expected to contribute to changing the facade of the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, improving the standard of living for the community. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project under support of GGSF.

Rural development is ranked the top priority currently in Vietnam in general, and in Binh Thuan particularly. To promote a comprehensive development and to be aligned with the National Action Plan on Green Growth and match people’s needs and expectation, it is required a better infrastructure in the rural area. Public lighting system is an integral part of the urban technical infrastructure system, playing an important role in ensuring traffic safety, serving production and domestic purposes for local people, strengthening security, beauty the area at night.
Located in the potential area for RE, the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu still lack a standard public lighting system. There have existed certain fragmented lighting points with minimal investment. It is not feasible technically and economically for the moment to run a power line connecting the national grid line to the area.

Therefore, investment for “green” lighting systems at areas without traditional lighting systems powered by national grid line will contribute to changing the facade of the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, improving the standard of living for the community, facilitating traffic, ensuring safety and security in the public area. It will also promote the awareness of local people in using green energy, replacing the traditional lighting system powered by national grid line, minimizing the use of fossil energy in their life.

The grant agreement in the Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF) Project - VIE 11 041 11/CSUB/002 signed on July 1st2016 contributes to implementing Binh Thuan provincial Green Growth action plan through the Green Growth pilot projects, Construction of public solar lighting systems in the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu.

To sum up, the project is expected to contribute to changing the facade of the communes of Hong Son, Ham Duc, Ham Chinh and Ham Phu, improving the standard of living for the community. It contributes to implement the Green Growth action plan of the province through the pilot green growth project under support of GGSF.

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