Facility for Capacity Building (scholarship)

> Vietnam

Information workshop on Belgium Alumni Fellowship Fund - Mar 2018

  • Information workshop on Belgium Alumni Fellowship Fund - Mar 2018

On March 19th 2018, an information session on the Belgian Alumni Fellowship Fund was organized in Hanoi by the Capacity Building Project (FCB).  

Mr. Ivo Hooghe - Head of Development Cooperation, Belgian Embassy, Ms. Krista Verstraelen - Resident Representative, Enabel Vietnam and 27 Belgian Alumni who have been studying in Belgium universities including KU Leuven, UC Louvain, Liège, Ghent and Antwerp ... participated in the workshop. 

The Fellowship Fund is a single opportunity within the FCB project for alumni of Belgium universities and alumni of Vietnam - Belgium join training programs, to visit Belgium for professional exchanges,  to implement practical researches and/or to test innovative ideas that may bring about positive changes in their organization. Together with a recent grant fund of EUR 190,000 to the Vietnam - Belgium Friendship Association, the fund aims at developing personal capacity of the alumni, promoting the professional network among Belgium alumni in Vietnam and strengthening the relations and cooperation between Vietnam and Belgium. 

Attending the workshop, alumni are presented with information about terms and condition of the Fellowship fund. The sharing of two alumni attracted great attention on how to best present the logic of the proposed activities, how it can contributes to the achievement of the Fund's objectives and the development of Vietnam in general. Many queries were raised in the Q&A session, which showed great interest in the fund. Many interesting research ideas, application of international practice and innovations in academic environment of Vietnam, networking for professionals and connections between Vietnam and Belgium universities were shared and discussed.

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