Thematic Portfolio Social Protection in Central Africa - Uganda

> Oeganda

Burial group in Uganda turned into saving for health group

  • Burial group in Uganda turned into Saving for Health Group

Nyakeera Tuyambangane group in Kabende Sub-County, Kabarole district started in 2022 with the main aim of saving for burials. The group of 20 members (19 female and 1 male) meets weekly for their savings.

Through the savings for health training that the group received from the Enabel-trained ambassador, the group members were inspired to start saving for health instead of saving for burials. The group chairperson, Lydia Ngambeki said that the training enlightened members to realize that saving a life through their health funds is much more important than giving a decent send-off.

As a result, 13 members of the 20 Village Savings and Loans Association members, started saving for health on the 19th of October 2023. By December 2023, the group’s savings for health account had UGX 153,000 (36€). Within the same duration, 3 members of the group had already borrowed UGX 126,000 (30€) from the savings, including a mother who was accessing maternity services at Kabende Health Center III, located about 12km away.

The group chairperson, Lydia Ngambeki said that members would worry so much when they or one of the family members was sick, but they are now confident. “From the experience of the 3 members who borrowed to seek medical attention, I realized that people are now confident of the readily available support they can get from the group’s health savings”, said the group chairperson.

Among the group’s savings for health plans, is to increase savings in the harvest seasons since most of the members are farmers who get income from produce sales. The chairperson said that they are also excited to talk to other people in the community to join the group and embrace saving for health because they have already seen the benefits during health emergencies.

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