Thematic Portfolio Social Protection in Central Africa - Uganda

> Oeganda

Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) members in Uganda are Saving for Health to avoid high interest rates on loans

  • VSLA members in Uganda are Saving for Health to avoid high interest rates on loans

Bugoye Tukulakulane Village Savings and Loans Association group in Bugoye trading center, Kasese district brings together small business operators in the area every week to save their earnings for future needs such as expanding their business or meeting personal needs. The 32 group members are all engaged in activities such as chapati selling, operating roadside grocery stalls, retail shops, and saloons among other enterprises.

In August 2023, the group received the 7-module training on saving for health by the Enabel trained ambassador, Tinka Tadeo, and all 32 members started saving for health alongside their regular weekly savings. From October 2023 to December 2023, the group was able to save up to UGX 200,000 (48€) specifically for health.

Kibaba Joakim, the group chairperson said that group members used to incur high-interest rates of between 10% - 20% per month, depending on the agreed repayment period when they borrowed from money lenders. This they said was coupled with frequent and disturbing reminders. “The training on saving for health by Tinka in September 2023 came in timely, members were able to budget their earnings well and ensure that within whatever they have earned in the week, a portion is saved for health”, said Joakim.

The group has 2 expectant mothers who the chairperson said are saving to ensure that they have a smooth process when giving birth. The expectant mothers saved UGX 60,000 (14€) and intend to use their health savings for routine antenatal visits and to easily access the health facility when it is time to give birth. “As a group chairperson, I ensure that actively saving members who are seeking medical support receive it timely. It is their money; therefore, they should get it quickly when they most need it for the purpose for which it was saved”, said Joakim.

Tukulakulane Village Savings and Loans Association intends to encourage more members to join the group and begin saving for health, an initiative that they believe will help members meet their health needs with limited challenges.

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