European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) - Support Programme for Refugee settlements in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) Livelihood and Labor Market Relevant Skills Development for Refugees & Host Communities

> Oeganda

Forging a future: Isaac’s journey from humble beginnings to master welder in Uganda

  • Isaac finds meaning in life through welding in Uganda

Isaac Iceta is an ambitious young man whose determination knows no bounds. He hails from Ayilo village, Adjumani district.
Coming from humble beginnings and a desire for change, Isaac applied for a training in welding and his application was successful.

After seven months of intensive training in welding, he mastered the craft of shaping metal into intricate designs. He then returned home with newfound confidence and skills and he immediately sought out ways of putting his skills into practice.

“I approached a welder in Adjumani and requested to join him and work on growing a welding business together. He accepted and now we are business partners and doing well.”  With every passing day, Isaac gets better at welding and he can make an array of furniture ranging from chairs to tables, beds, doors and windows.

Gone are the days of idleness and uncertainty for Isaac. He has now found purpose and meaning in his work and life and he is an inspiration to other youth in Adjumani.

He has taken on the role of mentor, passing on his skills to a friend who showed interest in learning the trade. He says that as long as he is able, he will help whoever is interested so that they too, can find purpose in life like he did.

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