Improving the training of secondary teachers in National Teachers' College MUNI

NTC Muni

Korte inhoud project

The project will improve teaching and practice-oriented learning facilities sustained by strengthened management in NTC Muni as well as increase access to quality post-primary education and training, as part of Universal Post-primary Education and Training (UPPET)

Code UGA1502911
Startdatum 04 November 2015
Einddatum 27 July 2021
Fase Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 11130 Teacher training
Budget 7 500 000.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

Increased access to quality post-primary education and training, as part of Universal Post-Primary Education and Training (UPPET).

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - Improved teaching and practice-oriented learning facilities sustained by strengthened management.
B - VAT refund Own management


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