Support to the implementation of skilling uganda strategy

Skilling Uganda
> Oeganda

Ugandan First Lady believes in the importance of Skills Development

  •  Ugandan First Lady believes in the importance of Skills Development

The Ugandan First Lady and Education Minister Janet Museveni applauded the work of BTC in the education sector during a farewell meeting with Nebeyu Shone, retiring resident representative of BTC Uganda. His successor, Christelle Jocquet, was warmly welcomed by the First Lady.

The First Lady urged ministry officials to put together a council to oversee and coordinate skills development in the country.

BTC and the Ministry of Education are close partners in increasing skills development for youngsters in Uganda. The goal is to ensure the employability of young people through better quality of instruction and education.

Because of this close working relationship it is essential, according to the First Lady, to have an open dialogue at all times. This way potential bottlenecks can be timely addressed.

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