Improving the quality of primary health care and health services in Rwanda - Ubuzima Burambye (Long healthy life)

Ubuzima Burambye
> Rwanda

Nyarugenge District hospital: ceremony of first stone laying

  • Nyarugenge District hospital: ceremony of first stone laying

On the 9th February 2018, the first stone of the Nyarugenge District Hospital was laid by Hon. Minister of Health, Dr. Diane Gashumba and by His Excellence Belgian Ambassador Benoit Ryelandt with the presence of The Mayor of Kigali and the Mayor of Nyarugenge.

In relation with the decentralization policy, the Nyarugenge District Hospital is the largest infrastructure project to be managed by the district, funded by the Kingdom of Belgium and the Government of Rwanda. The project is co-managed by Enabel’s Ubuzima Burambye program and benefits from technical support from Rwanda Biomedical Center and the Ministry of Health.

The hospital responds to a high demand for more than 300,000 Nyarugenge residents. It is expected to become a model of excellence and innovation in terms of organization, patient flowing, high standards of care, healthy working conditions, respect for environment, sound waste management, energy saving, isolation and network connection.

The construction will take place in 2 phases: the first one will provide a fully equipped and functional 120-bed hospital by July 2019, including outpatient, inpatient, emergency and supportive services and utility buildings. The phase 2 will increase the capacity up to 300 beds to better cover needs of district population.

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