Specifieke doelstellingen
A - ...
B - Long Term Outcome: Districts' capacity to deliver quality services, including on Local Economic Development, is efficiently and effectively enhanced
C - OC 1A: Improved Local Government Capacity Building Processes and Coordination Mechanism
D - OC 1B: Service Delivery in Local Governments enhanced
E - OC 1C: RGB identified organisational functions supported
F - OC 2A: Local Governments LED infrastructure investments in all Districts are efficiently implemented and sustainably managed
G - OC 2B: LCF well designed, prepared and managed in 4 pilot Districts for LED
H - OC 2C: LODA Institutional Strengthening
I - OC 3A: Inclusive Participation practices in LED processes in 8 pilot districts are strengthened
J - OC 3B: Gender Equality in LED processes is enhanced in 8 pilot districts
K - OC 3C: RALGA Secretariat is strengthened and well-functioning
L - OC 4: The effectiveness of Sector Coordination mechanisms enhanced
M - OC 5: RDSP Performance enhanced and results communicated
N - Contingencies