Skilled Young Palestine - Improving Resilience and Job Creation for Youth

Skilled Young Palestine
> Palestina

Inception phase for Skilled Young Palestine (SYP)

  • Inception phase for Skilled Young Palestine (SYP)

The project Skilled Young Palestine officially started in the beginning of 2020. During the inception phase, two studies were conducted in order to better target the intervention.  

  • Meta-analysis of the labour market in Palestine
The study provides insight in the needs of the labour market in Palestine, by giving an overview of sectors, trades and corresponding demand for vocational and 21st century skills, that hold potential for (self-)employment for youth in Palestine. The study shows the effect of the challenging political situation and Covid-19. They have an unmistakable impact on the economic situation in Palestine, and on the needs of the private sector. Are you interested in the findings? Contact us to receive the report.  
  • Mapping of the innovation eco-system in Palestine
The report reviews the eco-system of innovation hubs in Palestine, by providing data on existing hubs (type, services, facilities etc.), and analysing their quality and effectiveness. The findings of the study will be used to decide how to fill the void and skills gap regarding innovation and 21st century skills in Palestine. The study shows that there is a need to invest in remote areas, so to have a better outreach to vulnerable youth. Do you want to find out more? Contact us to receive the report.

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