Joint Financing Arrangement - phase II

> Palestina

First Thematic Working Group on Inclusive Quality Education, with Belgium as deputy chair

  • First Thematic Working Group on Inclusive Quality Education, with Belgium as deputy chair

Last week, the first Thematic Working Group on Inclusive Quality Education took place at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Ramallah. The meeting gathered all education stakeholders in Palestine, including officials of the MoEHE, civil society, and development partners.  

The Inclusive Quality Education Thematic Working Group was established to provide technical advice and input to the Education Sector Working Group, and to enhance coordination between all actors with regards to educational policies and practices related to inclusion and quality – with a special focus on basic and secondary education, all in the framework of the Education Sector Strategic Plan and SDG4.  

During his opening remarks, the Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr. Sabri Saidam, emphasized the importance of not only focusing on equal representation and rights, but also on equal achievement. He requested the group to provide technical advice on the issue of the growing gap between boys’ and girls’ education.

Mr. Emmanuel Rixhon, Deputy Consul General of Belgium and Deputy Chair highlighted that education has been Belgium’s most important sector of support in Palestine, and that one of the main goals of the working group is that the Ministry’s efforts and policies on inclusion and on quality become fully integrated.  

Furthermore, Mr. Tap Raj Pant, UNESCO Representative and Technical Advisor to the Thematic Working Group, said that the working group is an excellent opportunity to bring everyone together, on all levels, to ensure true inclusive education.  

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