Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestina

The Ministry of Local Government launches the Capacity Building and Development Program for the MoLG staff

  • The Ministry of Local Government launches the Capacity Building and Development Program for the  MoLG staff

The department of Human Resources Development of the Ministry of Local Government concluded a training course called "Executive Secretariat". The training was organized for employees from all directorates and departments in the ministry.

This training is part of the Ministry’s vision and strategy to develop the capabilities of its employees in order to provide the best services to LGUs or citizens.

Safwan Al Halabi, Director General of the Human Resources Development Department at the Ministry of Local Government, said “The executive plan of the HR Department is to work with all donors in 2019, targeting all the different departments in the ministry and directorates."  

Yara Njoom, an employee of the Project department, said "As a new employee in the ministry, I acquired many new skills. I learned how to deal with citizens, how to work with my computer software and the file archiving system, as well as how to handle incoming mail and reporting mechanisms." 

"This course represents the first of the outputs of the capacity building program for the employees of the Ministry of Local Government, which was launched by the ministry for the duration of one year.” said Doaa’ Qutub from Enabel.


This training is part of the Local Government Reform and Development Program (LGRDPII), which is implemented by the Ministry of Local Government in collaboration with the Municipal Development and Lending Fund, funded by the Belgian government through Enabel

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