Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestina

Launch of ARD activities in the Joret Amra cluster

  • Launch of ARD activities in the Joret Amra cluster

The Joret Amra Cluster in the Qalqilia Governorate launched their ARD initiative (Area Resilience and Development) activities. The cluster consists of 9 communities, of which more than 80% is located in Area C.  

The launch was attended by local officials and representatives from the Qalqilia Governorate, the Ministry of Local Government, the Municipal Development and Lending Fund, Enabel and the community.  

A brief about the initiative was presented to the participants to increase their understanding of and commitment to the initiative.  

The ARD initiative aims to promote the territorial integration process as part of the Territorial Development Policy. The initiative will bring together small communities and territories, creating economically and administratively viable entities.  

This initiative is part of the Local Government Reform and Development Programme – LGRDPII, implemented by The Ministry of Local Government and The Municipal Development and Lending Fund, funded by the Government of Belgium through the Belgian Development Agency – Enabel.

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