Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestina

Training for volunteers in Beit Leqya

  • Training for volunteers in Beit Leqya

To motivate youth to be active in the Joint Service Council (JSC) activities, and to raise their capacities in social voluntarism, the Beit Leqya JSC implemented 2 trainings for the volunteers of the cluster.  

17 volunteers actively participated in the civil defense training and 30 in the first aid training.  

The civil defense training included a practical training on firefighting and on earthquake safety, with a focus on protection and evacuation.  

The first aid training explained how to prevent diseases, minimize chances to have an accident, perform CPR and how to deal with broken bones, burns and snake bites.  

This activity was funded by the Local Government Reform and Development Program - phase 2, implemented by the Ministry of Local Government, Municipal Development and Lending Fund and funded by the Belgium Government through Enabel.  

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