Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestina

Summer camps are promoting technical and vocation training in Gaza

  • Summer camps are promoting technical and vocation training in Gaza

The LET council launched a series of TVET summer camps, with the support of TVET donors IRPAL, GIZ and Enabel.

More than 500 ninth and tenth graders from all over the Gaza Strip have participated in 7 camps which taught them more about technical and vocational training.

The camps provided the students with basic skills in professional disciplines like carpentry, electricity, web application building, industrial electronics, sewing, photography, and beautification. There was also a sports program for development, aimed at providing the participants with life skills such as perseverance, stress control and working together in a team.

A large number of students decided to enroll in vocational and technical schools for one of the professions they practiced.

For more information on the summer camps: https://www.facebook.com/LetCouncil/

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