Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestina

Presentation of the first draft of the Work Based Learning (WBL) strategy and the best practices manual to key stakeholders

  • Presentation of the first draft of the Work Based Learning (WBL) strategy and the best practices manual to key stakeholders

Enabel Gaza conducted a two day workshop to present its WBL manual and strategy. The workshop aimed to review and validate the national WBL manual with key stakeholders and to ensure proper implementation of the WBL scheme in TVET institutions.  

In the first part of the day, the WBL strategy was presented and reviewed by Optimum’s Representative in Gaza, Dr. Wasim Al Habil. Participants from the ministries, the private sector and key TVET players gave their feedback and recommendations.   

In the second part of the day, participants were divided into groups (with different stakeholders) to discuss the parts of the WBL best practices manual.  
The stakeholders were very satisfied with the participatory approach used in the workshop, to validated and finalize the strategy and the manual.

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