Rural Infrastructure for Employment Creation in The Gambia

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Korte inhoud project

The "RIEC" project (Rural Infrastructure for Employment Creation) in the Gambia is part of a larger EUTF programme (Tekki Fii) that partners Enabel with other international development agencies such as the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internazionale Zussammenarbeit (GIZ), Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF) and the International Trade Center (ITC). Enabel’s project targets the North Bank and Central River regions. It's objective is to boost economic development with a focus on attractive employment and revenue generation through rural infrastructure development.

The project focuses on rehabilitating or building infrastructure in the agribusiness sector, in support of sustainable production, increased productivity and value addition by private actors in selected food value chains. It also facilitates the development of sustainable management systems and upgrades TVET centers (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) and multi-purpose facilities in both target regions. RIEC contributes to socio-economic development while nurturing positive prospects for local populations and returning migrants in the Gambia.

Code GMB170011T
Startdatum 01 January 2019
Einddatum 31 December 2023
Fase Execution
Donor European Union
Sector 11330 Vocational training
Budget 6 542 056.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

To contribute to socio-economic development and to nurture positive prospects for local populations and returning migrants in the Gambia

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - To boost economic development with a focus on attractive employment and revenue generation in the North Bank Region and Central River Region through rural infrastructure development


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