Data Governance in Africa


Korte inhoud project

To support the human-centric data economy and society in Africa, in line with the AU Data Policy Framework. Strengthen comprehensive and convergent policies and regulations on personal and non-personal data. Leverage on data use and cross-border data flows to create value and inform regulations in selected sectors. Promote enhanced partnerships for green and secure data infrastructure.

Code BEL22006
Startdatum 01 January 2023
Einddatum 31 December 2025
Fase Execution
Donor European Union
Sector 22040 Information and communication technology (ICT)
Budget Niet beschikbaar

Algemene doelstelling

To contribute to the SDGs through digitalisation

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - SO2: Data use and cross-border data flows leveraged to create value and inform regulations in selected sectors.


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